Saturday, March 27, 2010

Distracting desserts

I think I should start a countdown to graduation. It's feeling soooo far away, but I know it's actually really close. I know that because I've started buying my graduation stuff. Cap and gown? Check. Two tassels? Check. Phi Beta Kappa registration? Check (I'm really happy about that one!). Self-designed graduation invites so I save money and have a more colorful invite? Check. Red and blue supplies for graduation-themed cupcakes from Bake It Pretty? Check. Soooo now I just have to make sure I actually graduate. Sigh.

I'm having to prioritize my homework right now into a few categories: have to do immediately, might do later and probably won't ever do. It seems that most is falling into probably won't ever do, but I'm hoping to change that. On Friday, my project draft was due for depth reporting. I think my brain turned into jelly while working on it; let's just say I have a way to go till I feel comfortable with where it's at. Next week a computer test. Ugh.

But, ultimately, it's all worth it for graduation. Because I got a job! I'm going to be overnight reporter at the Lawrence Journal-World. I interned there this summer and was again this semester, but now I've started working the overnight job already (in fact, that's where I started typing this 5:30 a.m.). For those of you who know me, you know I'm a night owl, so this will work out really well for me. I'm pretty darn excited.

My stress this week, though, was tempered by baking. Actually, I baked when I should have been working on stuff. Baking does a really good job of distracting me from stuff. Earlier this week, I felt like cupcakes, but not enough cupcakes to have to take them anywhere. I made Martha's malted milk cupcakes again, but naturally I've already started editing the recipe to be more malt-y. I put a bunch of malt powder in the frosting, too, too make it more malty. I wanted to make pretty springtime cupcakes, but man, that pink food coloring was strong! Oh well, they were tasty.

Remember that project I was talking about? Well I had to take a break every once and a while, and one of my breaks equaled in Kansas Sunflower Bread. I've made this before, three times actually. Except, it's only worked one of those three times. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I'm thinking I wasn't kneading it enough, so if you make it, be sure to be thorough. Plus, it's a really thick dough, but thick with yumminess, like sunflower seeds, oats and bulgur. It's very substantial bread.

Another break took the form of raspberry lemonade bars. I saw this recipe a while ago, I think originally on Food Gawker, which led me to 6 Bittersweets, which led me to the recipe I used. I put it away for a rainy day, which actually happened to be a brain-melting day. I'm a HUGE fan of Martha's lemon bars, but raspberry lemonade sounded like such a good twist I had to try them. The crust was easy enough, but you have to put the raspberries through a strainer, which I'd never done before. The recipe calls for a cup of frozen raspberries, thawed, then strained to get the juices. I put well over a cup, which I think worked out fine. My only critique of these bars is that the filling is a bit too thick for my liking, and I think a shorter bar would be better. Nonetheless, the bars are sooo tasty. Nice and tart, just like raspberry lemonade should be. I'll definitely be making them when the 100 degree weather hits, whenever that is! Actually, today at work, I read an article that said this winter was one of the warmest on record. I don't know what record they're going by, because it's been SO cold!!

Anyway, I need to really get to studying sometime soon. But for sure I'm making cupcakes today. I haven't decided yet what kind, but I'm thinking cookies and cream or margarita. I'm also considering entering Iheartcuppycakes' Cupcake Hero competition for the first time. She does it every month, and it has a theme. This month's theme is to make a cupcake from the Hello Cupcake book, something I don't have. Seems like a good excuse to buy it, right? I'd like to think I can decorate well enough to not embarass myself, but that's probably not the case. At least I'll improve my skills. We'll see where it goes from there.

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