So on Tuesday, I made my TV debut. I went on Jayni's Kitchen, our local station's cooking show. Let me tell you, it's completely and totally weird to see yourself on TV. I hear myself talk, watch how much butter goes into frosting (I think it's better people don't know that sort of thing), see myself awkwardly bite into a cupcake I've just frosted. Weird. Even weirder is when it gets turned on in the newsroom and a bunch of my coworkers watch it. Eeek! All weirdness/embarrassment aside, it was pretty awesome. I got to be on TV and do something I really love. I got a call yesterday while at work from a source from a story I wrote who had just seen me on TV. Not a lot beats that for improving a day. I'm hoping to get a video of my segment to post here. We'll see.

I was in part of that massive snow storm that hit the midwest last week. What that meant was my little car was not getting out of the house for a few days. I actually had to have my boss drive me to work one day. You know what else that meant? I ran out of white sugar because I couldn't get to the grocery story. I had no idea that was even possible. But it was, and I wanted to bake. So I searched for a cookie recipe that used only brown sugar, and found this one. Seriously, I think I found a new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. SO GOOD. They stayed soft and awesome and so wonderful. Who knew the snowstorm could bring good?

Another snowy dessert were these Thin Mint cupcakes. Who doesn't love Girl Scout cookie season? I saw this recipe on Langes Fadchen, Faules Madchen, a blog I follow, and knew immediately I wanted to make them. So I went to my fellow reporter Mark, whose daughter was my cookie hookup. A box of Thin Mints later, these cupcakes were born. I got two votes in the newsroom of best cupcakes yet, and I get why. Thin Mint on bottom, Thin Mint on top, minty frosting, Thin Mint truffle in the middle of a chocolate cupcake. Thin Minty-goodness all around.

Even better than the cupcake? The thank you card I got from Mark's kids for the cupcakes, diagram included. That, and the video of his son enjoying them. Seriously, cutest kid video ever.

I went home last weekend to see Grandma for the first time since she got out of the hospital. We watched Fantasia 2000, which has a scene with "Rhapsody in Blue" by George Gershwin. She started talking about how she remembered that song when she was young. I looked it up, and the song was released in 1924...my Grandma predates it by four years. Then we watched Fantasia, and she talked about how that came out while she was in college (1940). We also watched Bringing Up Baby with Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant and a leopard. I love going home to watch old movies with her. I also made a jelly roll cake while I was there, with a chocolate genoise cake from my Joy of Cooking and a Swiss meringue buttercream. Darn tasty, and the picture was taken on one of Cathie's tablescapes.

And a neat picture of Grandma. This was one of her favorite toys as a kid: Olive Oyl. You press the button on the bottom and she kind of collapses. It was one of my favorites at her house as a kid too. I like seeing the two together. Also, this weekend: cupcake crawl in Chicago!! Can't wait!
There's so much in this post I don't even know where to begin with my comment. First of all, congrats on your TV appearance. I think everyone has that moment of "is that really what I look/sound like?" when on TV or tape but I'm sure you did great!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love that photo of your grandma. The focus is just perfect and the colors so bright and cheerful. I used to have bendy/collapsable like that but I've never seen one of Olive Oyl. That is retro cool at its finest.
Lastly, I'm so glad you tried my recipe and that the cupcakes were such a hit. The kids' diagram of the cupcake cracked me up. What a sweet thank you note.
I NEED that thin mint recipe ASAP!!! Or....you can make me some in March? :) Love you!
ReplyDeleteMy absolute favorite cookies in a cupcake! I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight: http://www.makeandtakes.com/spotlight
ReplyDeleteThese sound so good! We'd love for you to share your recipe at dishfolio.com!
ReplyDeleteI love the minty color of your cupcake.Minty cupcakes are really new for m to make and my kids will surely be surprised for this one. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMint chocolate cupcake is so delicious. My mom just bought last week a minty cupcake in a store and it really taste so good. I better try to make my own minty cupcakes. Thanks for the recipe.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on being on T.V. What a great accomplishment! Mint and chocolate go perfect together, I just made some mint chocolate whoopie pies and they were incredible. Your frosting looks so smooth and creamy and I wish I had a spoonful of it right now!!
ReplyDeleteYum! What a perfect cupcake for Spring and St. Patrick's Day!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your TV appearance! How exciting!
Thanks for sharing them on Cupcake Tuesday!
love the picture of grandma ..
ReplyDelete& love your blog 2 .. thanks for sharing
Love mo & the girls