Tuesday, September 6, 2011

For lovers of chocolate

See all those candies? Yup. Tequila lime chocolates. Pâte de fruit. Passion fruit caramels. Did I mention I got to check all this out for my job?

Part of what I do at the Kansas City Business Journal is restaurant and retail reporting. I've started working on a series of chefs as entrepreneurs. First, I wrote about Kansas City chef Michael Smith, who has fine dining restaurant Michael Smith and tapas restaurant Extra Virgin.

Second in the series, though, was so perfect for the blog I had to share it with you. Those chocolates? They're Christopher Elbow's. He's got a chocolate shop here in KC, one in San Fran, and two ice cream shops here. And not only did I get to talk to him for my story, but I got to go back into his production area and watch them airbrush molds, create candy shells with tempered chocolate, mix all-fresh fillings and see the finished products. So, if you're interested, here's the story (there's a video of some of the candy-making there!). If only the candies I made a couple weeks ago looked as nice as his!

1 comment:

  1. how fun that you got to go do this and your story was also great! what a fun job!
